Boris Dežulović, a columnist for N1, is the journalist of the year in Croatia

04. May 2022

On May 3rd, the Croatian Journalists’ Association (CJA) held an award ceremony for the best journalistic works in 2021, and the award for the journalist of the year went to Boris Dežulović, a journalist and columnist for N1.

Dežulović received 178 out of 452 valid votes of CJA members, and along with him, RTL reporter Danka Derifaj, Index reporter Ilko Ćimić, and reporter Jelena Jindra were nominated for the journalist of the year.

It is pointed out in the nomination that in his 35 year-long career as a journalist, Boris Dežulović has always had his own attitude: clear, precise, argumentative and engaged.

His seemingly ordinary column on the N1 portal about the devastation of a lovely Dalmatian bay has received an unexpected extension in the form of a movement of mass civil resistance to the plunder of the common good by an unscrupulous powerful man. However, with the comment “Fuck Vukovar” (“Jebo vas Vukovar”), he has tried to do the impossible: to return the city turned into a mausoleum to its living inhabitants, and get the country back on the track of normalcy, it is said, among other things, in the explanation.

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