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Direct Media – Media buying agency

Direct Media is a leading media system in the region of the South-East Europe.

We provide our international and local partners with integrated communication, advertising and media services as we believe in Science + Art communication approach. Our vision is to be the most successful media system in the region, to remain the first and obvious choice of our partners.

What we do?


Strategy & Planning

We use data as the base for all our strategy projects. No matter if the strategy in question addresses social media, or traditional media, communication or PR, creative, digital or e-commerce – all of our strategies are planned intelligently, focussed on ROI and created with an in-depth understanding of the market and consumer habits. Whichever project our services are needed for, the result will be an increase in client sales and revenue.Media Investment Management


We are a never-stopping, never-backing-down, #1 media partner and #1 media buying agency in the region. Our main goal is to get the best results and the highest quality for the most advantageous price, which is why you will see us always optimising your investment and figuring out new ways to reach your target audience. With decades of experience under our belt, we pride ourselves in being the masters of negotiation.

Data driven decision making

Clients can make better use of their data and be more efficient in their marketing activities. It will be reflected in: better use of marketing data – supporting clients in more efficient use and integration of data (first party data), for better marketing decisions and measurable results; Higher conversions and customer satisfaction – advanced segmentation and data-driven marketing for a personalized customer experience and greater customer satisfaction, New revenues from retail media – creation of additional media inventory or monetization of the existing one for a better offer on the advertising market and actionable and measurable insights – automated reporting that delivers better performance insight and supports more effective information-based decision making

Digital & Technology

While the world is digitally transforming, we guard your brand communication. As the regional leader in Programmatic advertising, we have a unique Agency Trading Desk which consists of locally collected data and precious know-how. We are going in step with the latest marketing automatization CRM systems and are using the most advanced technologies for several campaign management platforms (DSP – Demand Side Platform) as well as DMP – Data Management Platform

Performance Marketing

Our goal is to help you better understand your marketing targets and encourage you to take risks, try unconventional methods and tackle digital media with us. On the road from digital media strategy, and planning, to buying and optimisation – let us worry about reaching the best possible results. Because that’s where we excel at

Creative Development

Our big Creative department handles all the creative stuff. Through experience, a hint of positive craziness, and a lot of talent, our creatives will always push boundaries when developing brand strategies, visual or corporate identities, and other creative concepts. With numerous awards under our belt, we combine insights and consumers-centred thinking in order to create the most effective content for our clients. We are well versed in both traditional and digital media, so contact us and choose your fighter.

Social Media Marketing

We like to say we are a fast-paced department because something in our line of work is always changing. Maybe it’s a new video format that Instagram just launched, or a new social media platform that’s on the rise, a trending topic, a new TikTok trend or a fresh way of utilizing on one’s social media presence – the world of digital marketing is the fastest developing sphere and we are the ones on the forefront. We develop strategies, nurture your community, create and produce content for your social media platforms, and are fluent in Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, YouTube….

Research & Data Hunting

Research Department walked so Data could run. That’s why it was a natural evolution for us to go from research & analysis to building a data “warehouse”. However you choose to call it, the bottom line is – we help brands get to know their customers. If it’s focus groups you need, questionnaires, market research or perhaps deep interviews – you name it, we can make it happen. With vast experience in almost every aspect of the industry, we feel comfortable interpreting any kind of data your brand needs.

Insights & Analytics

We are the champions of in-depth analysis and have many reports which can make your data clearer and more user-friendly. Customer & Shopper behaviour insights followed by personalised targeting are part of our everyday. Context & Sentiment analysis is something we feel supercomfortable doing and have a proprietary tool for, but we can also measure the results through Effectiveness modelling, measurement of ROI, as well as eval