N1 Croatia journalist wins regional TV award
30th January, 2024
N1 Croatia journalist Ivana Dragicevic is the winner of this year’s regional award for TV journalism presented by journalists’ organizations from Serbia, Bosnia-Herzegovina and Croatia.
The Independent Journalists Association of Serbia (NUNS) said in a press release that Dragicevic won the Gordana Susa award for outstanding achievements in television journalism. The jury said she met the key criteria of professional and responsible TV reporting in line with the universal journalists’ code of ethics and in the service of the public interest, human rights and media freedom, as well as the interests of the entire public regardless of ethnicity, religion or gender.
The Gordana Susa award is presented by NUNS with the Association of BH Journalists, the Croatian Journalists’ Association (HND) and the Susa family.
The late Gordana Susa was one of the founders of NUNS who had a decades long career. NUNS set up the award.
„Ivana Dragicevic showed rare journalistic talent and the ability to work in different and complex TV formats, often in complicated conditions and under great pressure. She reported from all major global hotspots, interviewed world leaders, made documentaries in Africa, the Middle East and China and was always ahead of her time, adhering to the highest journalistic standards. Known for her sharp interviewing style and ability to get to the heart of the matter, Ivana spoke with the same passion to a fisherman in Senegal, a taxi driver in Algeria and a passer-by in Lapland trying to get them and their personal stories noticed as she did with world leaders,” the jury said.
Ivana Dragicevic (1975) is part of the N1 Croatia TV desk. She is international affairs columnist and reporter and author of TV formats – N1 (Dis)info, Voters2024 and Future of Europe. She’s also Europe’s Futures Fellow at IWM Vienna, winner of three annual prizes from Croatian Journalists Association and author of books Unequals and (Un)secured.