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Nova TV from Croatia in the finals for the most prestigious European marketing award Promax

7th April, 2023

Another great success for Nova TV from Croatia, this time in the field of marketing communications. Promo spots for Dnevnik of Nova TV campaign, for which Nova TV creatives are responsible, are in the finals for the most prestigious European awards Promax in the “News/Special report program spot” category. The competition includes some of the strongest European TV stations and productions: TV2 (Denmark), Mediaset (Spain), United News Marathon (Ukraine), Flint Skallen (Germany), Viaplay creative (Sweden).

“We are extremely proud that Nova TV was recognized this year by the jury at the most prestigious global award in the marketing industry. We have shown once again that we have a top team of creatives and professionals who once again confirmed that Nova TV is the leader on the Croatian media market and that it is a serious competitor on the global stage as well. This is evidenced by the finals of this prestigious award, for which our competitors are the world’s strongest marketing experts and campaigns”, said Ivana Galić Baksa, director of marketing, PR and corporate communications of Nova TV.

A reminder that in 2016, for the first time in the history of Promax, television from Croatia was awarded in their annual competition of excellence in the field of promotion, marketing and design. It was Nova TV that won a silver award in as many as two categories: for the best production graphics in the news program and for the best TV studio and video wall. Nova TV entered the finals of Promax in 2021 for the announcement of the sixth season of the show “Tvoje lice zvuci poznato”, and in 2017 with the logo for the 2017 Elections. With Dnevnik campaign, Nova TV recently entered the finals of the Grand PRix award of the Croatian Association for Public Relations, in the integrated campaign category.

Winner announcement and the Promax Europe Awards ceremony will be held on May 10 in Amsterdam.