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REUTERS: TV Nova is the most trusted media in Croatia, with the most watched news program

15th June, 2023

The Reuters Institute published its large annual survey on the state of the media, which also confirmed Nova TV’s status as the most watched media in Croatia and the one most trusted by the Croatian public in 2022.

63 percent of those surveyed said that TV Nova is the media they trust the most, which is more compared to the previous year and significantly more compared to the competition. One of the key success factors of Nova TV’s news program is the consistency in providing reliable information and creating relevant content. By gaining the trust of viewers through objective reporting and an unbiased approach, TV Nova has gained a reputation as the most reliable and relevant media platform.

In addition to being the media brand that enjoys the most trust among citizens, this research also confirms that Nova is the most watched television in Croatia – 50 percent of people said that they watch Nova TV’s news program the most during the week.

The results of the Reuters research also confirmed the increasing popularity of digital platforms – the portal took an even better position this year compared to last year – third place in the ranking of digital media where the Croatian public gets the most information on a weekly basis, 34 percent of them. With these results, TV Nova once again confirmed its status as the strongest multimedia company in Croatia.

This year’s report by the Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism showed that both Nova from Croatia and Nova from Bulgaria have the highest reach and are the most trusted media among TV channels in their countries.
