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“The Black Sun” was declared the best series at FEDIS

2nd October, 2020

The second season of the “The Black Sun” series, produced by the United Media, won the Golden Arena for the best series at the 10th International Drama and Series Festival.

It was declared the best series in the 2019/2020 season among 13 series competing for this award. This historical thriller also won the Golden Antenna for the best supporting actress, that was given to Vesna Trivalić.

“I think that, with this cast, Bjela somewhat changed my path, because, for the first time in my career I had this kind of responsibility, and my role of Draginja in the series is a fictional character, but she is also a dedication to all women who fought in World War II.”

“The Black Sun” also won the Antenna for the best music, and the laureate Magnifico responded via a video message from Slovenia, expressing great happiness for being declared the best.

Croatian tv show “Another name for love”, also from United Media Production, won Golden Arena for most popular regional tv series.

This TV show had the most nominations at this year’s Festival – and the nominees included two more series produced by United Media:“Žigosani u reketu” and “My Father’s Murderers 4”.

Renowned drama actress Ana Sofrenović chaired the Expert Jury at this year’s Festival. The Main Jury had 12 members and included the Expert Jury, in which, along with Sofrenović, there were, also Professor Nikola Stojanović, CPG Director Robert Čoban, editor of TV Novosti Jelena Jovović and journalist Zoran Panović.The Expert Jury also included actor Milorad Miki Damjanović, director Milan Konjević, screenwriter Ivan Jovanović, director of photography Predrag Bambić, costume designer Ivana Krstović, editor Vladimir Marković and composer Aleksandar Sanja Ilić.