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United Media produces series about King Aleksandar I Karadjordjevic

13th August, 2019

The United Media signed an exclusive agreement on producing Vuk Draskovic’s novel “Aleksandar of Yugoslavia”.

Nova S TV will broadcast the series which for the script will be written by Zdravko Sotra, Serbia’s and former Yugoslav film and television director and screenwriter, who will also be the director of the series.

“We’re very excited about this project and an opportunity to create a series which will enable the audience to come closer to the personality of Aleksandar I Karadjordjevic, known as Alexandar the Unifier,” Aleksandra Subotic the United Media Executive Director, said.

Sotra said that “this great novel is inspirational for a film.”

“Aleksandar was 24 when he became the commander of the Serbian Army in victorious Balkan and the First World War… His destiny was to make real old wishes of the South Slaves, to unite them in a new country – Yugoslavia,” Sotra said.

United Media is positioned as a leader in producing the original domestic high-budget series.

Nova S TV is available via SBB network, Total TV, Beogrid, D3i and EON platforms.